Picture Cellar, in the foreground mural by Harald Metzkes and Manfred Böttcher © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018, photo: Andreas FranzXaver Süß
31 Aug 2022 – 18 Dec 2024
Guided Tours

Picture Cellar

Murals by Manfred Böttcher, Harald Metzkes, Ernst Schroeder, Horst Zickelbein

Guided tours
Wed 5 pm
For a maximum of 14 visitors

In German

€ 7.50/5

George Grosz, Montör, Figurine für laufendes Band, 1927, watercolour, gouache, reed pen, pen, 50 x 37 cm, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Kunstsammlung, Inv.-Nr.: HZ 6214 © Estate of George Grosz, Princeton, N.J. / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024
4 Jul – 25 Nov

Das Kleine Grosz Museum
Bülowstr. 18
10783 Berlin

What kind of times are these? – Brecht, Grosz and Piscator

Thur – Mon 11 am – 6 pm

€ 10/6

Cooperation: Das Kleine Grosz Museum

Isot Kilian with the Berliner Ensemble in Paris 1954. Next to her (from left): Manfred Wekwerth, Bertolt Brecht and Ernst Busch. Photo: Claus Küchenmeister
5 Jul – 2 Oct

Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch
Zinnowitzer Straße 11
10115 Berlin

“liebe ise”
On the 100th birthday of Isot Kilian

Exhibition in the foyer of the Hochschule

Mon – Fri 8 am – 11 pm
Sat 9:30 am – 10 pm

Free admission

Cooperation: Brecht-Weigel-Haus Buckow

Wolf Biermann as Prussian Icarus, 1973, © Roger Melis
4 Sep – 27 Oct

Galerie Pankow
Breite Straße 8
13187 Berlin

Roger Melis
Artist Portraits

Tue – Fri 12 – 8 pm
Sat, Sun 2 – 8 pm

Free admission

Cooperation: Galerie Pankow, Leonhardi Museum Dresden

Guided tours
Wed 6 pm

Curator's tour
Sun 20 Oct 2 pm

Thur 10 Oct 7 pm
Roger Melis in letters and documents.
Reading and archive presentation with Werner Heegewaldt (Director of the Archive at the Akademie der Künste), Erdmut Wizisla (literary scholar) and Mathias Bertram

Anja Steckel in Zurich’s zoo, 1943 © Akademie der Künste, Leonard-Steckel-Archiv
6 Sep – 1 Nov

Werkstatt Exilmuseum
Fasanenstraße 24
10719 Berlin

Children in exile

Wed – Fri 12 – 6 pm

Free admission

Cooperation: Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin, KUNSTWELTEN, Archiv der Akademie der Künste

Guided tours
Thur 5 pm

Thur 17 Oct 7:30 pm
Berlin – Portbou. Auf den Spuren Walter Benjamins
Documentary by Sophie Narr, Germany 2022, 86 min
Followed by a talk with Jeanine Meerapfel, Sophie Narr, Erdmut Wizisla et al.
In German

Guided tours, offers for school classes and events:

Komische Oper Berlin V 2022 © Candida Höfer / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024
14 Sep – 24 Nov

Candida Höfer
Käthe Kollwitz Prize 2024

Tue – Fri 2 – 7 pm
Sat, Sun & Public Holidays 11 am – 7 pm

€ 10/7
Free admission under 18 years, Tuesdays and every first Sunday of the month


Guided tours
Tue 5 pm
Sun 2 pm
€ 5 plus exhibition ticket

Tickets for Guided tours

Curator's tours with Anke Hervol
Sun 10 Nov, 24 Nov at 2 pm

Tour for blind and visually impaired visitors (together with ABSV)
Tue 5 Nov 5 pm
Free admission

Tours for deaf visitors with translation into German sign language
Tue 1 Oct 5 pm
Sun 10 Nov 2 pm
Free admission

Special tours for groups, guided tours and workshops for school classes
Information and registration: kunstwelten@adk.de

Reading Room Pariser Platz, photo: © Katja Strauß
Friday, 27 Sep
Guided Tour

4 pm

Pariser Platz

Reading Room

The Library of the Arts

Library tour

Meeting point: Reading Room 1st Floor

In German

Free admission

Dani Karavan, Basic Law 49, glass steles and Corten steel strips, 1998/2003, at the Jakob-Kaiser-Haus in Berlin, with the German Bundestag in the background. Photo: © Denise Baumeister
Friday, 27 Sep
Academy Discussions

7 pm

Pariser Platz

Plenary Hall

Academy Discussion
The Freedom of Art: A Fundamental Right and Promise

With Prof. Monika Grütters, Amelie Deuflhard, Lars Henrik Gass, Johanna M. Keller, Helge Lindh, Anh-Linh Ngo, Tabaré Perlas, Manos Tsangaris et al.

In German

€ 7,50/5

Buy ticket

© Node Berlin Oslo
1 – 2 Oct
Lectures, Talks and Performances

Time to Listen 2024
An Open Space on Sustainability in Contemporary Music

Tue 10 am – 8 pm
Wed 10 am – 6 pm

With Manos Tsangaris (Welcome), Eva von Redecker (Keynote, 2 Oct, 10 am), Peter Cusack, Jorge Zurita, Futures Of Listening, Nico Daleman, Banu Çiçek Tülü, Alejandra Borea, Kirsten Reese, Carla J. Maier, Eckhard Roelcke, Iris ter Schiphorst, Gugulethu Duma, Marina Cyrino / Matthias Koole / Angélica Freitas, Nathan Gray, Álvaro G. Díaz Rodríguez, Ute Wassermann, and many more

In English

Free admission


Dorotheenstädtischer Friedhof (Dorotheenstadt Cemetery), Berlin Mitte, photo: © Ingeborg Fries
Wednesday, 2 Oct
Guided Tour

2 pm

Brecht-Weigel Museum
Chausseestraße 125
10115 Berlin

Famous women

Cemetery tour

Meeting point: courtyard of the Brecht-Haus (Brecht House)

Registration: brechtweigelmuseum@adk.de

In German

€ 7/4

Brecht-Haus (Brecht House), photo: Ingeborg Fries
Friday, 4 Oct
Guided Tour

1 pm

Brecht-Weigel Museum
Chausseestraße 125
10115 Berlin

Discovering Brecht between Chausseestraße and the Berliner Ensemble

Literary walk from Brecht-Haus (Brecht House) to Berliner Ensemble

Meeting point: courtyard of the Brecht-Haus

Registration: brechtweigelmuseum@adk.de

In German

€ 7/4

Akademie der Künste, Berlin © Photo: Andeas Süß, 2019
Sunday, 6 Oct
Guided Tour

11 am – 4 pm

Anna-Seghers-Str. 81
12489 Berlin

Museum Sunday at the Anna Seghers Museum

Guided tours at 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm

Admission from 15 min before start

Registration: annaseghersmuseum@adk.de

In German

Free admission

Anna Seghers Museum in Berlin Adlershof, photo: © Andreas [FranzXaver] Süß
Tuesday, 8 Oct
Guided Tour

2 pm

Anna Seghers Museum
Anna-Seghers-Str. 81
12489 Berlin

Anna Seghers in the circle of her friends

Themed tour

Registration: annaseghersmuseum@adk.de

In German

€ 5/2.50

Dorotheenstädtischer Friedhof (Dorotheenstadt Cemetery), Berlin Mitte, photo: © Ingeborg Fries
Wednesday, 9 Oct
Guided Tour

2 pm

Chausseestraße 125
10115 Berlin

Brecht and his people

Cemetery tour

Meeting point: courtyard of the Brecht-Haus (Brecht House)

Registration: brechtweigelmuseum@adk.de

In German

€ 7/4

Performance by Steloolive, Vocations open space, © The artist and Andrea Vollmer
Wednesday, 9 Oct
Performance, Music, Reading

6:30 pm

silent green Kulturquartier
Gerichtstraße 35
13347 Berlin

Vocations: Open Space

In German and English

€ 4/2

Cooperation: JUNGE AKADEMIE, Künstlerprogramm des DAAD, Haus für Poesie, silent green Kulturquartier & Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf

Wolf Biermann as Prussian Icarus, 1973, © Roger Melis
Thursday, 10 Oct
Reading and Archive Presentation

7 pm

Galerie Pankow
Breite Straße 8
13187 Berlin

Roger Melis in letters and documents

Welcome: Werner Heegewaldt (Director of the Archive at the Akademie der Künste)
Reading with Erdmut Wizisla (literary scholar) and Mathias Bertram (curator

In German

Free admission

© Luca Mohácsi
Saturday, 12 Oct
Performance, Music, Film, Reading, Talk

3 pm

European Alliance of Academies
The Price of Freedom. Voices of the Hungarian Art Scene

With Zsófia Bán, Miriam Bruns, Dr. Anna Gács, Trio Dakoda, Nikolett Erőss, László Göndör, Kristóf Kelemen, Jakob Ladányi Jancsó, Gergely Nagy, Gábor Reisz, György Szabó, Kinga Tóth, Manos Tsangaris (digital), Diána Vonnák et al.

In German, Hungarian and English


Day pass € 15/9
Buy ticket online

Performance Necromancy (only valid in combination with day pass) € 5
Buy ticket online

Film screening only € 7,50/5
Buy ticket online

Saar Magal © Wilfried Hösl
Monday, 14 Oct
Opening Lecture

7 pm



Valeska Gert Guest Professorship
Saar Magal

With Saar Magal, Lucia Ruprecht, Lindsey Drury

Cooperation: Freie Universität Berlin, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen

In English

Free admission

Dorotheenstädtischer Friedhof (Dorotheenstadt Cemetery), Berlin Mitte, photo: © Ingeborg Fries
Wednesday, 16 Oct
Guided Tour

2 pm

Brecht-Weigel Museum
Chausseestraße 125
10115 Berlin

Famous women

Cemetery tour

Meeting point: courtyard of the Brecht-Haus (Brecht House)

Registration: brechtweigelmuseum@adk.de

In German

€ 7/4

Ingo Schulze © Jutta Müller-Tamm
Wednesday, 16 Oct
Book Premiere

7 pm

Pariser Platz

Plenary Hall

Ingo Schulze
Zu Gast im Westen

With Ingo Schulze

Welcome: Ulf Stolterfoht

Moderation: Maren Jäger

In German

€ 7,50/5

Buy ticket

Anna Seghers Museum in Berlin Adlershof, photo: © Andreas [FranzXaver] Süß
Thursday, 17 Oct
Guided Tour

2 pm

Anna Seghers Museum
Anna-Seghers-Str. 81
12489 Berlin

How Netty Reiling became Anna Seghers

Themed tour

Registration: annaseghersmuseum@adk.de

In German

€ 5/2.50

CPPD campaign in public space “Memory Matters“, Photo: Elena Krasnokutskaya
Saturday, 19 Oct
Panel, artistic interventions

6 pm

Pariser Platz

Plenary Hall

“Memory Matters”: On the importance of cultures of rememberance

In German

Free admission

Cooperation: Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse (CPPD)

Manfred Krug, 1972, Photo: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-L0221-0333 / Franke, Klaus / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Tuesday, 22 Oct
Archive Opening

7 pm



Manfred Krug: A star in the East and West

With Uschi Brüning, Daniel Krug, Stephanie Krug, Krista Maria Schädlich, Jörg Stempel

In German

€ 7,50/5

Buy ticket

Dorotheenstädtischer Friedhof (Dorotheenstadt Cemetery), Berlin Mitte, photo: © Ingeborg Fries
Wednesday, 23 Oct
Guided Tour

2 pm

Brecht-Weigel Museum
Chausseestraße 125
10115 Berlin

Famous women

Cemetery tour

Meeting point: courtyard of the Brecht-Haus (Brecht House)

Registration: brechtweigelmuseum@adk.de

In German

€ 7/4

© Fraunhofer HHI
Thursday, 24 Oct
Radio Play

6 pm

Einsteinufer 37
10587 Berlin

In the Wave Field / The Ear to the Future Audio plays in 3D

Free admission

Please register at:
stating your preferred screening time slot.

Top left: Hugo Häring, competition Hochhaus Friedrichstraße, Berlin, 1922. Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Hugo Häring Archive © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024 / Top right: sauerbruch hutton, Kinetics, Boulogne-Billancourt, 2012, digital drawing © sauerbruch hutton; Bottom left: Hans Scharoun, The principles of architecture, for and against, 1919–1921. Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Hans Scharoun Archive / Bottom right: sauerbruch hutton, Now is Here, Installation, How Soon is Now, Galerie Judin, Berlin, 2014, Photo © Jan Bitter
25 Oct 2024 – 19 Jan 2025

draw love build / sauerbruch hutton
tracing modernities

Tue – Fri 2 – 7 pm
Sat, Sun, public holiday 11 am – 7 pm

€ 10/7
Free admission under 18 years, Tuesdays and the first Sunday of the month

Thur 24 Oct, 7 pm
Free admission

With Manos Tsangaris, Anh-Linh Ngo, Matthias Sauerbruch, Louisa Hutton, Dirk van den Heuvel

Guided tours and offers for school classes and groups:

Reading Room Pariser Platz, photo: © Katja Strauß
Friday, 25 Oct
Guided Tour

4 pm

Pariser Platz

Reading Room

The Library of the Arts

Library tour

Meeting point: Reading Room 1st Floor

In German

Free admission

Leni Riefenstahl in an interview with CBC “Leni Riefenstahl in her own words“ (1965) © CBC
Saturday, 26 Oct
Film and Talk

7 pm



Documentary film by Andres Veiel

Riefenstahl, Germany 2024, 115 min
Direction and screenplay: Andres Veiel
OV with English subtitles

Discussion with Nanna Heidenreich, Hajooj Kuka (D/Sudan), Andres Veiel, Karin Wieland

Welcome: Helke Misselwitz

Moderation: Rainer Rother

€ 7,50/5

Buy ticket

Dorotheenstädtischer Friedhof (Dorotheenstadt Cemetery), Berlin Mitte, photo: © Ingeborg Fries
Wednesday, 30 Oct
Guided Tour

2 pm

Chausseestraße 125
10115 Berlin

Brecht and his people

Cemetery tour

Meeting point: courtyard of the Brecht-Haus (Brecht House)

Registration: brechtweigelmuseum@adk.de

In German

€ 7/4

Please find below the Akademie der Künste's digital offers.

Silhouette by Arnold de Florence: Portrait of Heinrich Mann, c. 1910 © Akademie der Künste, Heinrich Mann Collection


Virtual Exhibition

Heinrich Mann DIGITAL: Life, Work, Legacy – A Transnational Reconstruction

Heinrich Mann’s estate is scattered throughout archives worldwide. Starting from the most important places of activity in his life, the virtual exhibition by the Akademie der Künste Archives tells the story of the estate and presents the “Heinrich Mann DIGITAL” international cooperation project. In German.

Subharchord. Photo © Kai Bienert


Virtual Exhibition

Music, Makers & Machines

A digital exhibition on the history of the Studio for Electroacoustic Music at the Akademie der Künste

Passport issued to Walter Benjamin, Berlin-Grunewald, 10 August 1928. Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Walter Benjamin Archiv © Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kultur, photo: Nick Ash


Archival Materials

Finds from the Archives

Selected text documents, special objects and works of art from the Archives of the Akademie der Künste representing all artistic disciplines.

Photo: Ellen Auerbach, Airwalk, 1946 (Renate Schottelius during the dance jump over rocks, La Cumbrecita). Modern Print, Argentina © Akademie der Künste, Berlin


Online Presentation

digital.adk.de – images, sounds, art objects

A digital showcase affords an insight into the extensive holdings of the archives of the Akademie der Künste, which encompasses all art forms, collects and makes accessible the archives of outstanding artists in the German-speaking world.


Digital Platform

junge-akademie.adk.de – The JUNGE AKADEMIE is online

The transdisciplinary and transcultural online magazine is a space to exhibit and experiment and a digital open studio, offering fellows the opportunity to network with each other and with Akademie members, to develop digital projects and to make the exchange of knowledge visible within the international network.

Der Zauberer John Heartfield [The Magician John Heartfield], 1943. Photo © Zoltan Wegner. Akademie der Künste, Berlin, John Heartfield Archive, No. 610


Virtual Exhibition

Kosmos Heartfield

The online presentation "Kosmos Heartfield" complements the exhibition "John Heartfield – Photography plus Dynamite".

Graphics: Heimann + Schwantes


Online Catalogue

Heartfield Online

The graphic oeuvre of the political artist John Heartfield can be explored in a new online catalogue.

Photo © Roman März



360° Panoramic Tour

The interactive 360° panoramic tour leads through the exhibition “John Heartfield - Photography plus Dynamite” at Pariser Platz.