© Mattis Bettels

Festival for Electroacoustic Music and Sound Art

Concerts, Performances, Sound Installations

In June 2025, the Studio for Electroacoustic Music will once again host the KONTAKTE Festival. The festival combines current socio-political developments with versatile contemporary sound art in a four-day dialogue.

The buildings at Hanseatenweg and Pariser Platz will be permeated by experimental sound structures and transformed into places of intensive listening.

Immersive soundscapes and experimental musical impulses merge into a multi-layered and interdisciplinary programme featuring, among others, Ensemble Ascolta, GrauSchumacher Piano Duo, Thomas Schulz and Hanna Hartman, as well as works by Tony Elieh, Hainbach, Annette Krebs, Heather Frasch, Gerriet K. Sharma and Susanne Fröhlich – and what is presumably the most extensive loudspeaker orchestra in the world to date.


Funded by


With kind support of the

26 — 29 Jun

Thur 26 Jun, Sat 28 Jun, Sun 29 Jun

Fri 27 Jun
Pariser Platz

With Ensemble Ascolta, GrauSchumacher Piano Duo, Hanna Hartman, Thomas Schulz et al.

Compositions by Tony Elieh, Heather Frasch, Susanne Fröhlich, Hainbach, Annette Krebs, Arezou Rezaei, Gerriet K. Sharma

In collaboration with DEGEM, FU Berlin, HfM Hanns Eisler Berlin, UdK Berlin, TU Berlin, HfM Saar, SWR Experimentalstudio, Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf & Ensemble Ascolta

Funded by Musikfonds e.V.

With kind support of the Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung

Festival: € 70/50
Concerts: € 10–15/7–9
Installations: Free admission