20th Academy Discussion Content versus Film

Academy Discussions

What makes films good? When did the attitude of placing the content of a film above its aesthetic form emerge and where did it come from? Where is the appreciation of film art as a composition of images, colours and sounds? 

Jeanine Meerapfel and Dominik Graf talk with Thomas Heise, Nicolette Krebitz and Carolin Schmitz about the essence of cinema, about what makes films unique.

Monday, 13 Feb 2023

7 pm

Pariser Platz

Plenary Hall

With Dominik Graf, Thomas Heise, Nicolette Krebitz, Carolin Schmitz, Jeanine Meerapfel

Moderation: Andreas Kilb

In German

€ 6/4


Tel.: (030) 200 57-1000
E-Mail: ticket@adk.de

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Academy Discussions