What is the Aim of Theatre?
On the Contemporary Idea of Theatre


What can theatre achieve today, when everyone has become the leading actor in their own lives?

Is it still permitted to speak for others? Does reality need a dramatic form? What value do the dramatic arts have? Who may appear on stage? What other spaces are needed? Does criticism still exist?

In a number of forums, artists, critics, policy makers and institutional representatives discuss what exactly is at stake at present in the theatre debate. 

Sunday, 24 Jan 2016

5 pm

Pariser Platz

Plenary Hall

with Jürgen Berger, Björn Bicker, Ernest Allan Hausmann, Friederike Emmerling, Wolfgang Engler, Johanna Freiburg, Christian Grashof, Georg Kasch, Ulrich Khuon, Petra Kohse, Burkhard C. Kosminski, OB Peter Kurz, Ulrich Matthes, Wilfried Schulz, Hortensia Völckers und Christine Wahl.

€ 5/3


Tel.: (030) 200 57-1000
E-Mail: ticket@adk.de