
Digitising Brecht’s Manuscripts
The Archives of the Akademie der Künste has started the process of digitising all the manuscripts held in the Bertolt Brecht Archive. Over the coming years, all typescripts, handwritten manuscripts, letters, documents, newspaper clippings and photos from the Bertolt Brecht Archive folders are to be scanned and successively made available internally at monitors in the reading room.
Securing and digitising the cinematographic works in the Bertolt Brecht Archive of the Akademie der Künste
The cinematographic holdings of the Bertolt Brecht Archive of the Akademie der Künste comprise around 50 titles on approx. 70,000 metres of analogue film material. In cooperation with the Deutsche Kinemathek and funded by the LOTTO-Stiftung Berlin and the Federal Government's Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM), the cinematographic works in the Bertolt Brecht Archive are being secured and subsequently made available to the general public.
Digitising the Modellbücher (‘model books’) and the Hainer Hill Photo Archive in the Bertolt Brecht Archive
In 2013, with financial support from the Berlin Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs, a complex process of restoration was successfully completed for 104 of Bertolt Brecht's Modellbücher ('model books'), some heavily worn, as well as 724 photographs by Hainer Hill.