28.7.2022, 12 Uhr

New independent magazine Solomiya presents works by Ukrainian JUNGE AKADEMIE fellows Sasha Kurmaz and Mykola Ridny

In cooperation with the Akademie der Künste, the first issue of the independent magazine Solomiya, established in April 2022 in response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, was published in early July 2022. It was the result of collaboration between the Kyiv-based photographer Vsevolod Kazarin and Sebastian Wells, photographer from Berlin and member of OSTKREUZ – Agentur der Fotografen. Solomiya is intended to provide a platform of self-expression for a young generation of Ukrainian creatives and to promote the visibility of democratic values shared by people in Ukraine and other European countries.

Solomiya aims to promote the visibility of common democratic and European values shared by people from Ukraine and other European countries. Being a platform of self-expression for the young generation of creatives from Ukraine, Solomiya is both an itinerant group exhibition and an art object in itself.

Solomiya is designed by the Berlin graphic designers Kollektiv Scrollan and brings together English-language reports from everyday life in the war and current portrait photos of young people in the streets of Kyiv. The first issue also includes contributions by Sasha Kurmaz and Mykola Ridnyi, fellows of the JUNGE AKADEMIE, the interdisciplinary artist-in-residence programme of the Akademie der Künste. The artists’ works were most recently on show in March and April 2022 in “What Matters”, the exhibition of the JUNGE AKADEMIE’s works, at the Akademie building at Hanseatenweg.

On 128 pages, Solomiya features photographs, texts, collages, screen prints, illustrations and conceptual works by seven artists:

Christina Erturk (Warsaw), Vsevolod Kazarin (Kyiv), Sasha Kurmaz (Kyiv), Sonya Marian (Kyiv), Mykola Ridnyi (Kyiv), Andrii Ushytskyi (Černivci), Sebastian Wells (Berlin/Gent).

Solomiya is mainly distributed in Warsaw, Berlin, Brussels and Kyiv. It is available in the bookshops of the Akademie der Künste and can be ordered online at www.solomiyamag.com.

“If we were to describe life in times of war, we would use the word but because it evokes a feeling of discomfort and ambiguity that emerges when discussing something that is far beyond our control.” (From the editorial, Solomiya № 1)


soлomiya № 1

Self-published in June 2022
ISBN: 978-3-00-072582-1
128 pages



All proceeds will go to the issue’s contributing artists.

In cooperation with the Akademie der Künste and OSTKREUZ – Agentur der Fotografen

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