Symposium I
26 and 27 January 2018
(Post-)Colonial Injustice and Legal Interventions
In Cooperation with the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Concept: Wolfgang Kaleck (General Secretary, ECCHR) and Karina Theurer (Lawyer, ECCHR)

Jazz performance "Die Verdammten dieser Erde" with Marco Mingarelli, Fiston Mwanza Mujila (from left to right)

Makau Mutua, Mnyaka Sururu Mboro, Obiora Chinedu Okafor (from left to right)

Wolfgang Kaleck, ECCHR

Colonial Repercussions, Akademie der Künste

Jazz performance "Die Verdammten dieser Erde" with Marco Mingarelli, Fiston Mwanza Mujila, Fyodor Stepanov, Denis Abrahams, Ben Kraef (from left to right)
Starting with a two-day conference, a group of international legal experts will discuss the question of reparations and the colonial crimes committed by the European states. The programme includes lectures, panels and artistic works by Antony Anghie, Christian Bommarius, Williams Chima, Nikita Dhawan, Luis Eslava, Isabel Feichtner, Gesine Krüger, Thomas Krüger, Kranti LC, Christophe Marchand, Mnyaka Sururu Mboro, Ester Muinjangue, Makau Mutua, Marcel Odenbach, Johannes Odenthal, Obiora Chinedu Okafor, Andreas Schüller, Bernadus Swartbooi, Celine Tan, Carolijn Terwindt, Karina Theurer and Liesbeth Zegveld. Artistic works such as the jazz performance by Congolese author and stipend of the Young Academy Fiston Mwanza Mujila, the video works of Brazilian artist Ayrson Heráclito O Sacudimento da Casa de Torre, 2015 and academy member Marcel Odenbach Im Schiffbruch nicht Schwimmen können (Foundering and you can’t swim), 2011 reflect on how decolonisation impacts globally on today's societies.
In cooperation with the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) and under the curatorship of Wolfgang Kaleck, General Secretary of the ECCHR and Karina Theurer (ECCHR).
Colonial Repercussions/Koloniales Erbe is a joint event series by the Akademie der Künste and the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb.