With the Colonial Repercussions event series, the Akademie der Künste examines the structures of colonial power relations, which continue to impact on science, art and society today.
Reprocessing colonialism means bearing a visionary moment for the future of Europe. The primary focus of this event series is the question as to the legacy of European colonialism still being tangible today: How does it have an impact on Europe and the rest of the world? How can traditional power structures be broken down and the associated fear of relinquishing powers be overcome? And what would a society look like that evolves creatively based on diversity and not based on white, hegemonic traditions of knowledge?
On 29 November 2019, the fifth symposium of this event series took place. Colonial Repercussions V: The Namibian Case was aiming to trace the complex repercussions and interdependencies of German colonization in present-day Namibia and to increase their visibility in Germany.

Nama memorial site on the graveyard of the former concentration camp in Swakopmund

Kader Attia, Rochers Carrés, 2008. Series of silver prints



Julia Phillips, Tuner, 2016. 29 x 30 x 12 cm. Partially glazed ceramics, metal screws, metal bracket
Colonial Repercussions is a joint event series by the Akademie der Künste with the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb.