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POWER SPACE VIOLENCE. Planning and Building under National Socialism

Mauthausen concentration camp, Todesstiege (Stairs of Death), around 1942
The “Stairs of Death” connected the Wiener Graben quarry with the concentration camp. Goaded on by the SS guards, the prisoners had to lug the heavy granite blocks up 186 steps. Many prisoners were injured or fell to their deaths in the process. Fewer than half of the 200,000 prisoners in Mauthausen concentration camp would live to see the liberation in May 1945.
Credit: U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archives, no. 15622, Courtesy Archiv der KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen

Hirschbachtal valley, life-size model of the stands for the “German Stadium” in Nuremberg, 1938/39
In order to check the views from the “German Stadium” and its architectural effect, a life-size wooden model of the spectator stands was built on a slope in the Hirschbachtal valley near Hirschbach-Oberklausen. However, the construction of the stadium never progressed much beyond the laying of the first stone in 1937 and the excavation of the foundation pit.
Credit: Private collection

US soldiers use an American emblem to cover the swastika in front of the globe of the cast-iron eagle at Tempelhof Airport, 12 June 1945
Credit: U.S. National Archives, NAID 204900762,

Models of the facades for the Reichmarschall’s Office (left) and New Reich Chancellery (right) on an open site in Berlin-Treptow, based on plans drawn up by Albert Speer, 1:1 scale, cut stone facing, around 1940
The façade sections of the planned Reichmarschall’s Office and the new New Reich Chancellery were built at a scale of 1:1 to check the architectural effect they would have.
Credit: Private collection

Opening of the exhibition “nueva arquitectura alemana” in Barcelona, 1942
View of the exhibition hall with large-format photos of the Soldiers’ Hall that was planned for Berlin and a large model of the “German Stadium” on the Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg.
Credit: Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya, ANC1-42-N-35460

Row of houses in Munich’s Prinzregentenstraße with high-rise bunkers at the corners, designed by architect Walter Kratz, constructed 1941/42
Photo: Alfred Strobel / Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo

“2,000 Years of German Culture”, Munich, 1937
The 2,000 Years of German Culture pageant – with its large-scale model of the stands on the Zeppelinfeld (shown here) and the models of the “German Stadium” and the Congress Hall on the Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg – marked the culmination of the “Day of German Art” in Munich in July 1937.
In: Die Kunst im Dritten Reich 1, no. 7/8 (1937), p. 45