19.8.2024, 11 Uhr

New publication: “The AI Anarchies Book”

The AI Anarchies Book sheds light on the debate surrounding AI and ethics from an artistic and scientific perspective and explores new approaches to the topic. As documentation, reflection and toolbox, the publication conveys knowledge and background information on the “AI Anarchies Autumn Academy” 2023 and the artistic projects that were created as part of the programme in essays, interviews, picture galleries and recipes.

Published by Clara Herrmann, Elise Misao Hunchuck, and Maya Indira Ganesh on behalf of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin.

Design: Basics09
Korbinian Kainz, Andrea Karch, und Margarete Keltsch

240 pages, monochrome, with colour section
ISBN 978-3-88331-261-3
€ 22