29.8.2024, 11 Uhr

Autonomy of the Arts and Self-Responsibility

Defending freedom of the arts is a core mission of the Akademie der Künste. Art can only fulfil its societal function if it remains independent and finds its own voice.

For months, there has been an ongoing discussion at both the federal and state level about the introduction of legal clauses in funding practices as a measure to combat antisemitism and all forms of discrimination. While the political and societal objective of fighting antisemitic and discriminatory tendencies is imperative, this objective cannot be achieved by restricting the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of the arts. Such an approach calls into question and jeopardises artistic freedom as a benchmark of an open and democratic society. This concern applies equally to the resolution currently being discussed by the Bundestag: “Nie wieder ist jetzt: Jüdisches Leben in Deutschland schützen, bewahren und stärken” (Never again is now: Protecting, preserving and strengthening Jewish life in Germany).

The Akademie der Künste, together with other cultural associations, civil society organisations and numerous representatives from the arts and sciences, stands firmly behind the goal of protecting Jewish life in Germany. However, the publicly discussed version of this resolution risks doing more harm than providing protection. The joint appeal published here calls on the German Bundestag to suspend the adoption of this resolution, and instead to initiate a process of dialogue that focuses on the self-responsibility of the arts, culture and the sciences in achieving these crucial societal goals (see here).

In this spirit, the Akademie der Künste will host a series of events in autumn of 2024 that will explore philosophical and legal questions surrounding freedom of the arts. The discussion will also address current political proposals for the introduction of legal clauses and codes of conduct. Artists and representatives of cultural institutions are invited to share their views on the prerequisites for rebuilding the damaged trust between stakeholders in culture and politics and on strategies in protecting artistic freedom. Further information will follow shortly.