Sustainable Architecture in the 21st Century
To mark the transfer of their advance legacy to the Akademie der Künste’s Architectural Archives, Louisa Hutton and Matthias Sauerbruch, together with curator Dirk van den Heuvel (TU Delft), have fundamentally reimagined their 2021 retrospective “draw love build”. Exploration of the Architectural Archives led to the inclusion of a significant number of new pieces in their exhibition “draw love build / sauerbruch hutton tracing modernities”.
The result is a series of stimulating dialogues between positions from the first decades of the 20th century, the period of modernism in architecture, and those of the present day. The selected archive material is organised into 16 thematic areas, around each of which models and drawings from sauerbruch hutton are grouped.
There will be a talk at the finissage of the exhibition that is dedicated to the theme of sustainable building and provide insights into the future of architectural practice.
HG Merz, Director of the Architecture Section of the Akademie der Künste
Annette Gigon, architect, Zürich
Louisa Hutton, architect, Berlin
Regine Keller, landscape architect, Deputy Director of the Architecture Section of the Akademie der Künste
Katharina Matzig, Bayerische Architektenkammer, Munich