Musik – Mitglieder

Frederic Anthony Rzewski
Komponist, Pianist
Am 13. April 1938 in Westfield/Massachusetts/USA geboren,
gestorben am 26. Juni 2021 in Montiano/Italien.
Von 2014 bis 2021
Mitglied der Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Sektion Musik.
1954-1958 private Studien bei Charles Mackey in Springfield, bei Walter Piston und Roger Sessions in Massachusetts, außerdem an der Harvard University, Kontrapunkt bei Randall Thompson und Orchesterbearbeitung bei Claudio Spies.
1958-1960 Studium von Komposition, griechischer Literatur und Philosophie an der Princeton University.
1960 Übersiedlung nach Italien und weiteres Studium bei Luigi Dallapiccola.
Als Pianist Zusammenarbeit mit dem Flötisten Severino Gazzelloni, später Improvisationen mit Alvin Curran und Richard Teitelbaum, 1966 Gründung des Ensembles Musica Elettronica Viva in Rom.
1971 Rückkehr nach New York.
1977-2003 Professur für Komposition am Königlichen Konservatorium Lüttich.
Außerdem an Hochschulen wie der Yale University, dem Mills College, Californien, dem Institute of the Arts der University of California, der Hochschule der Künste in Berlin und in Den Haag tätig.
1985 The Persians Les Perses Die Perser (music-theatre work, text by the composer, after Æschylus), 4 soloists, 5 actors, bass clarinet (+ contrabass clarinet, sopranino saxophone), trombone, double bass (+ bass guitar), piano, 2 percussion
1987/88 The Triumph of Death (staged oratorio, text by Peter Weiss), 4 voices, string quartet
1964 Nature Morte, small orchestra (winds, french horn, trumpet, harp, piano, organ, 5 percussion, violin, cello)
1979 A Long Time Man, piano, orchestra
1983 Satyrica, guitar, double bass, piano, synthesizer, vibraphone, percussion, symphonic band
1997 Scratch Symphony
1999 Movable Types
1967/68 Prose Pieces, improvisational ensemble
1968 Les Moutons de Panurge, any number of melody instruments
1969 Last Judgment, trombone/any number of unison trombones
1972 Second Structure, improvisational ensemble
1976 Song and Dance, flute, bass clarinet, double bass, vibraphone
1972-1977 Thirteen Instrumental Studies, variable ensemble
1978 Moonrise with Memories, bass trombone, ensemble (any 6 instruments in the soprano range)
1979 Three Pieces, soprano saxophone, trombone, piano
1981 Aria, flute
1984 Wails, bass clarinet (+ sopranino saxophone), piano, 2 percussion
1985 Lost and Found (percussionist also speaks), percussion
1986 Don't Have it Today (double bassist also speaks), double bass
1989 The Lost Melody, clarinet, piano, 2 percussion
1989 Roses, flute, clarinet, trumpet, tuba, violin, cello, accordion, percussion
1990 Aerial Tarts, flute, clarinet/saxophone, violin, cello, piano, 2 percussion
1990 Whangdoodles, hammered dulcimer (+ mallet instruments ad libitum), violin, piano
1992 Knight, cello
1993 Holes, any 48 players
1993 Crusoe, any 412 players
1993 Histories, 4 saxophones
1993 Whimwhams, marimba, string quartet
1995 Family Scenes, flute, 3 saxophones, French horn, 3 trumpets, 2 trombones, bass trombone, double bass/bass guitar, piano
1996 When the Wind Blows, flute, soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, flügelhorn, trombone, guitar, double bass/bass guitar, piano
1997 Spiritus, 4 recorders, percussion
1998 For Hanns, flute, clarinet, cello, piano
1998 Trio, violin, cello, piano
1999 Main Drag, any 9 players
1999 Cradle Rock, flute, soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, flügelhorn, trombone, guitar, double bass/bass guitar, piano
2000 Pocket Symphony, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, percussion
2003 96 (canon), 5 players
1963-1967 Requiem, Part 1, speaker, male chorus, jaw harp, piano, organ/electronic simulation, tubular bells, bull-roarer, woodblock, radio
1973 Struggle Song, mixed chorus, (version by Gregory Rose of vocal work)
1980 Le Silence des Espaces Infinis, female chorus, any player, orchestra in 7 groups, fixed media
1995 Stop the War! Mixed chorus
1995 Stop the Testing! Mixed chorus
1970 Jefferson (text by Thomas Jefferson), voice, piano
1970 Freud, voice
1971 Coming Together, speaker, variable ensemble
1972 Attica, speaker, variable ensemble
1973 Struggle Song, voice, variable ensemble (also version by Gregory Rose for mixed chorus)
1980 The Price of Oil, 2 voices/2 choruses, 8 amplified ensembles of bagpipes, any 2 similar ensembles
1981 Snacks, voice, mixed chorus ad libitum, any ensemble ad libitum
1982 Antigone-Legend (text by Bertolt Brecht [translated by Judith Malina]), voice, piano
1973-1983 Songs, voice, piano
1984 Mayakovsky, speaker, piano, string quartet
1984 Mary's Dream, soprano, contrabass clarinet, cello, piano, percussion
1985 Force, 2 speakers, any wind instrument/any 2 wind instruments, any plucked instrument/any 2 plucked instruments, noisemaker/2 noisemakers, weigher ad libitum
1988 The Waves, speaker, variable ensemble
1980-1990 Tinkleberries (collection of ditties), voice, any number of players
1992 The Burghers of Rostock, voice, piano
1994 Snippets, speaker, piano
1997 Logique (text by Paul Verlaine), voice, flute, cello, piano
1953 Chain of Thought
1954 Tabakrauch
1957 Preludes
1958 Poem
1959 Introduction and Sonata, 2 pianos
1961 Study 2 (Dreams)
1971 Falling Music (also version for amplified piano, fixed media, 1971)
1974 No Place to Go but around
1975 36 Variations on "The People United Will Never Be Defeated!"
1977 Four Pieces
1978 Squares
1978/79 North American Ballads, (ist four sections may be performed separately: Dreadful Memories; Which Side are You on?; Down by the Riverside; Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues [also version for 2 pianos, 1980])
1984 A Machine, 2 pianos
1986 Eggs
1986 Steptangle
1988 The Turtle and the Crane
1988 Mayn Yingele
1989 Fantasy
1990 Bumps
1990/91 Ludes
1991 Sonata
1991/92 De Profundis
1992 Andante con Moto
1992 A Life
1994 Night Crossing with Fisherman, 2 pianos
1995 Turns (The Road, Part 1)
1996 Tracks (The Road, Part 2)
1997 Tramps (The Road, Part 3)
1998 Stops (The Road, Part 4)
1999 A Few Knocks (The Road, Part 5)
1999 Travelling with Children (The Road, Part 6)
1999-2002 Final Preparations (The Road, Part 7)
2002/03 The Big Day Arrives (The Road, Part 8)
2003 Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier
2006-2010 Nano Sonata 1-8
1980 The Housewife's Lament
Elektroakustische Musik:
1965 Zoologischer Garten, fixed media
1986 Chains (12 operas for TV), voice, 6 players