Arno Brandlhuber, founder of brandlhuber+ Berlin, holds the chair of architecture and urban research at the Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg. He is also head of the nomadic Master’s Programme, and co-founder of the public seminar Akademie c/o, which is currently researching into the spatial production of the ‘Berlin Republic’.
His latest publications include Brandlhuber+ Von der Stadt der Teile zur Stadt der Teilhabe. Berliner Projekte. Marius Babias (ed.), Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Berlin, Cologne, 2013, and The Dialogic City—Berlin wird Berlin, Arno Brandlhuber, Florian Hertweck, Thomas Mayfried (eds.), Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Berlin, Cologne, 2015.