Ellen Fellmann
Ellen Fellmann works as composer, artist and video director in the intersection of musical and visual composition. Her focus and research lies on a non-hierarchic interplay of sound/music and visual art/moving images. She studied music, musicology and philosophy in Munich and Berlin (magister with distiction). Her work encloses instrumental and electro-acoustic compositions, multi-channel sound choreographies and audio-visual compositions as well as music films and music documentaries. Her works are shown worldwide and won several prizes/grants:
Video Art Locarno 2000
Maison de la Culture Montréal 2001
EMAF Osnabrück 2003
Künstlerhaus Vienna 2003
International Summercourse for New Music Darmstadt 2004 (grant)
ZKM Karlsruhe 2005
Maison de l’Architecture Paris 2006 (Artist in residence of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
New York Festivals 2006
IMEB Bourges, France 2008 (Award)
Edith-Ruß-Haus for Mediaart and Stiftung Niedersachsen (grant/comission)
SPOR Kopenhagen 2011 (concours/comission)
Borusan Music House Istanbul 2012
She works as regular lecturer at University of Arts in Bern/ Switzerland in Music and Media Art/Master of Contemporary Arts Practice. Recently she realized as curator the exhibition and concert project EXTENDED COMPOSITIONS at Künstlerhaus Bethanien and Radialsystem V Berlin in spring 2015.